Why another Travel Blog?
Have you ever felt like simply packing up to do something crazy, but you stayed put in the end? Have you kept sitting in front of that door, wondering what’s behind?
Let doyoudare open that door for you, maybe just a little at first, so you can tiptoe through. Though I’m actually hoping to kick it in – once and for all!
doyoudare is not simply another travel blog. It’s for everyone who dares to dream of the trip of his or her life!
Well,…let’s go: Enjoy the ride..! (get to English content)
The Work-a-Hippie-Blog
More English Content on my travel blog?
You might have wondered why you can find only little English content on my travel blog. So far, this is because my audience is mostly German. I’d be more than happy to provide more English content – just let me know!