Whenever you finally get to a place you’ve always wanted to visit, you 1. spend as many days possible there and 2. try to fit in as many adventures in as you can. Without doubt you can guess what happened when I got only one day off from my work trip to spend in Wales! Here is what I came up with to savor as much Welshness as one can take in just eight hours…
The Areuse Canyon: My favourite sunshine hike in Switzerland
It’s probably no secret that Switzerland is a gorgeous place to be in the winter-time: It’s well-known among the rich and beautiful for skiing in St. Maurice and of course it’s a top destination for ice-climbing. But did you know that you’ll find some of the most breathtaking views while hiking through Switzerland’s foothills?
Wandern in Eis & Wasser – auf dem Iceline Trail in den kanadischen Rockies
Entlang unzähliger Serpentinen klettert mein 4×4 GMC Jimmy die letzten Höhenmeter bis zum Startpunkt des Iceline Trails, der wohl berühmteste Wanderweg des Yoho National Parks. Diese Straße bringt mich aber gleich noch zu den wirklich beeindruckenden Takakkaw Falls. Und die gehören immerhin zu den fünf größten Kanadas – Bist Du bereit für ein neues Abenteuer?