Summer 2015: My Adventure Bucket-List

My new blogger buddy Rike (she is blogging at „Schweden undso“, English: Sweden and stuff) inspired me to write my personal “Bucket-List” for the summer. At first I thought that I really don’t have much planned compared to my really “daring” summer of 2014: I did my first Adventure Rallye to the North Cape and round the Baltic Sea, survived the most awesome road trip across BC, visiting bears at night included, and went winter-surfing for full 11 days in a row in the Pacific Ocean.

Well, guess what! I was wrong. Giving it a little thought, I realized that I really have lot on my plate to do this summer, even though I might be kicking round Europe “only”!

1. I’ll be a Captain for the first time!
This very weekend I’ll be a Captain for the first time in my life! I’ll be steering a Houseboat across the Lakes and Rivers in Mecklenburg north of Berlin, enjoying myself with some of my closest friends. What a great start for this summer 2015!

2. My first Blogger-Job for
TravelonToast made it possible for me to be part of her annual German Blogger-Meeting. I can’t wait to meet all the interesting people in Cologne! Also, I will be able to write about it, too! My fist real “job” explicitly for my own blog!

3. My first music-festival by the ocean
After so many years, I’ll be going to a music festival again! Four full days of music, fun and – ocean! The Deichbrand-Festival is right by the German North Sea. Beach. Beer. Beats. Now we’re talking!

4. Back in my armor again
Once more I’ll do a little time travel and be the knight Sarah of Eskaroth. Yes, it does sound a little crazy, but doing Live-Act-Role-Play for almost two decades now has not done any apparent damage to my brain cells or personality so far. (At least that’s what I think.) Squire, saddle my horse!

5. First canoe trip in Southern Sweden
Last June I went to Sweden. Better said, I drove about 2000 Kilometers through it within only two
days. During the Adventure Race “Baltic Sea Circle” I got to see a lot of the country in a very short
time. Now, I’d love to get to know Sweden and its people a little better. We’ll be up there for about ten days to paddle and keep our eyes open for Moose, Deer and Abba.

6. Fun weekend in Thuringa (Thüringen)
Doing Adventure Races has an incredible side effect: You make new – and usually extremely crazy
and interesting – friends. Since the Rallye last year, the three “buddy-teams” have been hanging
out on a regular basis. In September we’ll meet for a relaxing outdoor weekend playing guitar by
the camp fire once more. Oh, Thüringen..!

7. Go surfing in Portugal
Oh, how I miss the ocean. At least for one week, better two, I simply have to make time to hop on a board again. I’ll visit a friend’s fiend Yoga & Surf Retereat, Apura Yoga, in Peniche. The best time in the year is usually in fall, so I’ll make the trip sometime in September. Portugal, here I come!
(Wanna read more about where I surf? Read about winter-surfing in Canada…)

8. My first real trip to Westfalia
This will be not only my first real trip to Westfalia, but also my first adventure job in Germany!
Tourismus NRW e.V. will give me the opportunity to get to know the outdoors and the wildlife of
Westfalia (NRW). Did you know there were wild Flamingos in Germany? I’ll go find them!

9. Meeting my Swiss friend’s baby boy
It has been nine years since my friend Anne from Switzerland and I met over breakfast at the Parkside Evangeline Womens’ Residence in Lower Manhattan. Anne was enrolled at a school for Modern Dance, and I was doing an internship on the 8th floor of the United Nations Headquarters. Both in our early twenties, we were scared and exited at the same time to really live in New York, this bustling city that never sleeps. We became close friends and have kept it that way ever since. Now her baby boy has arrived and I will go to Bern to finally meet him!

10. Last but not least: The adventure of itself
I just started this blog in May. To try writing without the restrictions of academia, journalism and
demand. To simply write the way I like it. So far, I’m really happy with my project and enjoy each
and every time when I can find a couple of hours to write again. The most exciting thing this summer will be the moment when I can welcome my first co-authors: I don’t want just to settle for
my own adventures, but also include others’ daring experiences!

So this is what my summer will look like. How about you? I’d love to hear about your daring plans for this great summer 2015 waiting for us!

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