Traveling always is an adventure. But you don’t have to jump off a cliff or start a jungle expedition to proof your bravery. The moment you dare to use your new language skills for the first time takes a lot, too! It these skills that make all the difference when you. Over the next couple of weeks, you can read all about what to learn, where to learn and how to learn to become a multi-lingual traveler. You’ll never be at a loss for the right words again! This goes out to the frequent travelers, Digital Nomads and Work-a-Hippies: Learn Spanish!
What I love most about my travels is making new friends and really getting to know a place: By staying a little while longer, finding a job and becoming part of a community. Learning the language is a big part of that and thus has always been something special to me. This is why I was so happy when I got the job as beach editor to work on Gran Canaria, this awesome island northwest of Africa. Thinking back to this trip however, I can’t help but remember the many moments when I secretly envied my colleagues who were easily chatting with the locals in fluent Spanish as if it was nothing.
Especially if English is your first language you might get through somehow most of the time when traveling. However, there are so many great places in the world where no one within the next 100 Kilometers understands more than “Hello!” and “Bye!” In these places, it simply is a bare necessity to at least be able to ask for directions to the next gas station or hospital in the local language! But with what language should you start?

Over 3000 languages – But where to start?
There are over 3000 languages on this planet. How do you choose the right one to begin with? Clearly, you’d want to learn a language that you can put to use regularly. So maybe you’d just have a look at the top ten of the most spoken languages in the world. Right after English, Chinese and Hindi (Indian) are number 2 and 3 of the most common languages. For the beginner learner from a Western country however, these languages really are not the best match. To learn languages like these for sure is a lot of fun – if you already speak a couple of other language and if you have plenty of opportunities to practice. Don’t underestimate that you’ll have to learn a new way of writing. Grammar and pronunciation are fundamentally different.

Lost in Translation? A love declaration to learning Spanish
Number 4 on the hit list of the most common languages is finally an awesome place to start – for both, the English native-speaker, but also everybody who has already mastered English as their first foreign language. It easy to learn and has a beautiful vibe to it. Spanish simply sounds sexy and makes you sexy!
Spanish is a real door opener to so many different countries and experiences: Whether it is winter sports in the Pyrenees or the Andes, a lazy beach holiday on the Costa Brava, exciting backpacking across South America or penguin-spotting in Tierra del Fuego – all this is possible with only one foreign language!
The language skills of South Americans are usually quite limited and English really is not a given. Especially if you are a complete beginner, I really recommend to travel only with at least some Spanish basics. A great way to get both, the language and the trip, is to simply start your travels with a language course right where you want to travel. This way you already can pick up lot about the culture and people speaking this language there. Also, it really doesn’t hurt to to find an experienced partner for your trip who knows some locals there, where to go and what to do. For example you could book one of the tailored language packages with Sprachdirekt. And the best thing: They do not only offer courses in Spain, but also Mexico, Costa Rica and Argentina!

All in one trip: Explore South America while learning the language!
Speaking of which – how does that sound…?
- Book a flight from Germany to Buenos Aires
- Spend two weeks working on your Spanish skills at the language school right in the centre of the Argentinian capital
- Then you’re ready for your adventure tour round the continent of the Mayas and Incas!
- You might want to start from Buenos Aires, then continues south towards the Chilean-Argentine border region. Visit „the southernmost city in the world:” Ushuaia and Puerto Williams both consider themselves with for the title – decide for yourself!
- Why not also do a short ferry trip to the Falkland Islands? Or travel further along the Chilean border?
- Don’t miss the famous Lake Titicaca in Bolivia and Peru
- Make a once in a lifetime memory by traveling to the Galapagos Islands and its prehistoric plants and animals
And believe me, it definitely a huge plus when you know some Spanish when going on a adventure like this!
And…When do you dare?
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