Doyoudare goes Beachinspector! This week sent me to my first “on-site-job” – to Gran Canaria. Read all about my new job as Beach-Editor in my Beach-Diaries, about “my” Beachinspectors, our fun team and what I actually do there during the upcoming weeks!
Beach-Editor: How the hell did I get there?
It’s been a long and windy road ever since I finished my PhD last year. I’ve returned from Canada, poured lots of work into my thesis to finally make it a proper book during the day and started to make money on the side in the evenings by writing for travel websites and blogs. In the early days of September, I finally received the long-awaited message from the publishing house: Your book is ready to be printed! After such a long time of ploughing through an apparently never-ending pile of books, paper and writing, I simply was not ready to do exactly nothing all of a sudden. But with the long application processes for Post-Docs and maybe-responsible jobs in the government, I was pretty sure it would takes some time until I landed my dream-job in my field. So I started looking for something different, something fun, where I could put in my energy right away. Flipping through the job ads online, I read something that simply was too good to be true: “We’re looking for someone to write about beaches.” Not from home, not from the office, but from the beach! I applied as a “Beach Editor”, introduced myself at the Start-Up’s office in Berlin and got the job! Probably the most awesome job description I will ever put on LinkedIn…
What is
These guys had a really, really good idea – simple, yet catchy: They wanted to establish a website covering all the beaches in the world – by travelling there for real and then writing about them. For their Beta-Phase they wanted to start with the major tourist destinations round the Mediterranean. Naturally, the project drew plenty of great people who were just as intrigued by the idea as the three founders were: To become part of such a huge project, work together in small, independent teams and above all: travel for a living.

Beachinspector: How does it work?
Each and every beach is visited by a team of two, the actual “Beachinspectors”. During their visit, these “Beach Inspectors” take pictures, shoot a video and convey a survey especially developed for this purpose: How do you get there? How busy, noisy, dirty is the beach? Why should be people spend their day there? The Beach Inspectors catalogue restaurants, bars, surf rentals, showers and restrooms. Finally, the Beach Editor puts the beach inspectors’ findings in writing and the team selects pictures and film material together.
So this is what I will be doing over the next three weeks: Being ‘round and about with great, fun people, visiting the beaches of one of Europe’s most beautiful islands and tell the world, where to find the pearls and diamonds among Gran Canaria’s beaches. Without doubt, my job as Beach Editor comes as close to employee’s paradise as it possibly can!
Read about my first days “on-site” and my new office in a gorgeous Spanish villa in Las Palomas – and how I manage to work in the middle of a place where everyone else is on vacation…

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