Where the Witches meet: Hike the Harz!

After the German poet Goethe returned from his first hike up to the Brocken, the bizarre mountain range, undergrowth and stone formations around this highest peak in Northern Germany inspired him to write his mystical play “Faust.” As I have been a great Goethe-Fan ever since and the Brocken has been my backyard mountain for these past three years, its high time to present the Brocken Tour to you – one of my favorite hikes! It’s an amazing day tour through the fairytale landscape of the Harz mountain range. A great hike to go in a bigger group, but also just by yourself, contemplating about “whatever holds – The world together in its inmost folds.”

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Do you dare – to be your own Captain? It’s Summer in Berlin!

What a brilliant start to this summer: It’s just No.1 on my summer bucket list and I’m in love. She is 13 meters long, with a roaring diesel engine and her name is, how fitting, “Aphrodite”. As a real Captain of my own ship I am prepared to cruise the Havel river north of Berlin – all thanks to the amazing people of RevierCharter. Read about the magic of reverse on the water and why you might need some sausages to become a really relaxed captain!

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Another Travelblog? A Work-a-Hippie Blog!

(c) LorenzJimenezPhotography

Work. Money. Status. Work more. Get more. Be more, Have you ever felt like simply packing up because it all didn’t really seem to matter? Could you just feel it in your bones that it was about time to do something totally different, maybe even crazy? Still, you stayed put in the end and kept sitting in front of that door, always wondering what might be behind.

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