Another Travelblog? A Work-a-Hippie Blog!

(c) LorenzJimenezPhotography

Work. Money. Status. Work more. Get more. Be more, Have you ever felt like simply packing up because it all didn’t really seem to matter? Could you just feel it in your bones that it was about time to do something totally different, maybe even crazy? Still, you stayed put in the end and kept sitting in front of that door, always wondering what might be behind.

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Summer 2015: My Adventure Bucket-List

My new blogger buddy Rike (she is blogging at „Schweden undso“, English: Sweden and stuff) inspired me to write my personal “Bucket-List” for the summer. At first I thought that I really don’t have much planned compared to my really “daring” summer of 2014: I did my first Adventure Rallye to the North Cape and round the Baltic Sea, survived the most awesome road trip across BC, visiting bears at night included, and went winter-surfing for full 11 days in a row in the Pacific Ocean.

Well, guess what! I was wrong. Giving it a little thought, I realized that I really have lot on my plate to do this summer, even though I might be kicking round Europe “only”!

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Der Klassiker Magen-Darm: Reiseapotheke #2

Selbst reisegestählte Backpacker erwischt es dann und wann. Zu wenig oder das Falsche getrunken, Magenweh und Durchfall gehören noch immer zu unseren häufigsten Beschwerden im Ausland. Zunächst ist Vorsicht natürlich immer besser als Nachsicht! Was muss also ins Gepäck und vorallem: Wofür hilft das alles? Hier geht’s zu den besten Tipps, um auch diese Reisehürde elegant zu meistern…

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